The “Nightmare before Christmas” shoundtrack is played instead of the usual Soul Bossa Nova
Ezra is dressed up as a fire dog and looks like a hydrant
4:50 into the show, the infamous (and only) disclaimer is run: “Disclaimer: Tonights show is a dramatization only.” and Ezra even looks at it “Oh, look at that…”
Either Rasvar had some serious issues with the console or the intermittant video loss was already part of the joke…
Herbie tries to deck out Scritch (who is wearing a party hat that makes him look almost like Todd) in the 'fro but it's too big and falls off, so Poink takes it…
At 2:11:00 - right after Rasvar farted - Mutt and Todd complain about a slight rumble or banging on the flor, followed by some thunder that has Mutt worried about his car windows…
Rasvar complains about a picture in his room falling off the wall
Movie talk: E.T.
Hitomi name? calls in and tells a scary story
At 2:24:00 - during Hitomi's call in - the stage shakes and everybody wonders what just happened and wanders off, leaving an empty stage
Yappy Fox comes back on mic and reports a huge pot hole in the middle of the street
At 2:27:30 Herbie yells in that there's a huge hole outside, mixed with lots of static
After a bit of black video - due to the “camera getting out of range” - we hear from Mutt that there is a sinkhole opening up
Rasvar talks Poink into staying on stage rather than moving his car
Poink tries to get out but doesn't get past the cops.
Nair calls in and wants to know what goes on, he also brings the word of the week: “Doppelgänger”
Uncle Kage calls in
Mutt mentiones that the channel doesn't want to believe the sinkhole…
As Mutt and Uncle Kage talk about creepy stuff that happened - about 3:25:00 - the stage shakes and the camera topples over, followed by lots of car alarms
Rasvar informs JackRabbit that his car just fell into the hole, who sorms off to curse at the cops…
…so Uncle Kage suggests knocking him out.
After just about everybody leaves, Uncle Kage starts a little entertainment program.
Herbie mentions the police trying to get the evacuation together…
Uncle Kage instructs the cast how to get an evacuation kit together and…
…sings the closing song.
After which Herbie yells, the camera tips over and something falls from the ceiling. At this point - at 3:38:00 - the show is abrubtly interrupted and cut off.
Videos shown
Pawpet Music Video: The Legend of Wooley Swamp - PawPets NorthCoast
Pawpet Music Video: Iowa - Pawpets West
Pawpet Music Video: The Horrible Garden - SouthPaw Video Productions