The actual show ran for six hours, the download is only the first four and a half hours though. This is due to the fact that the origianl ran the Rapit T. Rabbit show (30 minutes) during the six hour broadcast which isn't part of the download.
The amounts required for the JackRabbit waxing are: 5000 for bikini wax, 6000 for crotch wax and 7000 for full body wax.
The show has a banner running through the bottom of the screen every so often informing us about current amount and how much is needed to get JackRabbit waxed.
Poink calls in… from jail! And T-Chall donates 50 used condoms…
MrRoo calls in
name? calls in
Trixi calls in
Right after the donation amount reaches 5000, Yappy Fox announces an anonymous donation of 1000$, pushing the amount to well over 6000 and probably causing much cringing on JackRabbit's part.
NOTE highlights based on download which is missing 1.5 hours
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
Your character with your favorite Pawpet character (continued in Episode 185
Videos shown
Extreme thrill ride
Fluff and Such: Mr. Lint sings “Over the Rainbow”
"Last Words" (and Actions)
Last action on the download is Herbie presenting lot #2 with the dancing Mushu… the rest of the show (about 1.5 hours) is lost