“Larger than life” fursuit performance “n-fur”

song title @ 30:00 fursuit performance “n-fur”
Music Video: California Dreaming
Music Video: I got you babe
Music Video: How sweet it is
Music Video: Dream Weaver
Music Video: Boogie Nights
Music Video: Fire
Music Video: F.U.C.K
Music Video: Freak (

? title @ 45:00)
Gravy Train - dog food commercial
Big Buck Bunny
Music Video: Manatee song (beginning, replay)

real title @1:17:00
RCFM “Deep 6” - Wild'Bill'TX
“dernch spring water” - Dancing Puppet commercial

video title @1:25:00 (“Da Da Da”…?)

video title @1:28:00
Achmed the dead terrorist (“How do you spell your name?”)
Animated video to the “witchdoctor”

title @ 1:49:00
“Pretty Donkey” video (

title @ 2:14:00)
Historic “The price is right” footage…
Bluepaw 89

in memory of who? @ 2:38:00
Jack in the box commercial
“banned jack in the box commercial”
Jack in the box Taco commercial
Burger King vs. Ronald McDonald