Yappy started the closing song a bit too early, so…
Ezra “Show's not over yet!”
Lilly “No, show's not over yet!”
Hugh “and…here…we…go” (whispered)
Ezra “You are so wierd!”
Lilly “You are very strange, you know!”
Kyte “It's like we're in a timewarp”
Lilly “Yeah, right”
Hugh “I can do this!”
Lilly “You can watch what we do after the show… we just get up and say 'thank god that's over with'…”
Ezra “Uh-ha”
Poink “Wow, we look like a
who? cover…”
Lilly “…stretch out our creeky bones..”
Ezra “We do.”
Poink “Yeah”
Yappy “That…”
Logo gets superimposed over the stage
Lilly “
Poink “
Ezra “We could!”
Lilly “
JackRabbit provides sound effects
Lilly “
??? …OH it's JR! …
??? … that's a very annoying sound actually.”
Poink “Are we going in..”
Lilly “We just do that next week… suck Jell-o through a straw”
Poink “no-no-no!”
Yappy “YES!”
Lilly “…pudding through a straw?”
Poink “I would like to see you suck Jouva through a straw”
Yappy “He might slurple the same way”
Lilly “Naw, it's OK really.
Poink “God, this isn't over yet?”
Ezra “No”
Yappy “We got a minute!”
…etc…singing songs…etc…
Yappy “Happy birthday if it's your birthday!”
Ezra “Happy birthday to 2 tomorrow! It's 2's birthday tomorrow!”
Kyte “This is your birth…”