Granny setting off air bag
Rocky - in five seconds
Robot dance
Flute + Beat boxing
Sliding down the stairs
burbing and farting robot
Head banging Cockatiel
Interesting facts of about glass
Talking piano
Music piece… ???

title @ 1:59:30
cut short 10 minute video (IBM?)
Accordian gone crazy…

title @ 2:02:00
Lego Mindstorm - Rubix cube
Optical illusion - shades of blue
Bullets hitting stuff (slow motion)
Kennedy Space Center, Feb. 11. 2010
Talking kitty
“I have herpes”
Costume dance video
Mascot dances, including Banana Costume fail
Top 5 - mobile minute - winter mascots
Mascot Race
Gopher animation… Olympia
Blue bird mascot failing at sports…

@ what? 2:20:00
Mascot fight…
Amiga Demo
Failblog: Bike vs. Scooter
Heavy Metal Trailer
Toy Story 3 trailer (cut short)
Mascot comparison
Senor Don Gato