Uncle Kage intro
JR in a bikini
Video montage, sent in by Howler
Video montage, sent in by BlackfootFerret
FPS 500 trivia show (Multiple videos throughout the show), by Atkelar
Tron 500, sent in by the Late Night Commentary Show
Congratulations video by Daichi_Ookami
Orlando Kia, sent in by FancySkunk
Easter show clip
“Brand New Key” Parody sung by a voop
Congratulations video, by BabyCheetah
Rasvar's favorite clips #1, Paradise by the Dashboard Poink
Rasvar's favorite clips #2, Chocolate Bunny Deaths (Diet Coke and Mentos)
Rasvar's favorite clips #3,
Mutt explains Space Mountain drunk and
Mach pukes
Performance of Bob Rivers' “A Big Ton O' Moola”

Congratulations video, by ??? (3:13:00)
Mel Larkey congratulates the cast
Bugsy the Emu congratulates the cast
“Man boobs” and “Multiboobage”
Takala takes the Pink Flamingo Challenge
Congratulations video, by Landrav
A segment from Todd's Furry News, sent in by Shuff Wolfcoon
A naked photo of JR, accidentally left on his flash drive
The Woulfe Pack sings “Thank you for the Pawpets”
Peeing in the shower, and the sink, and so much worse…
Triple Truffle Shuffle
The Hand of God makes a guest appearance
The various intros used through the years (played throughout the show).