Mutt got his neighbors mail… and
Yappy Fox suggests steaming them open to look for checks.
Fred Bedderhead moment… inlcuding a nude roller coaster outing
The cast discusses ther favorite Cirque Du Soleil shows… and the contortionists acts bring up a “three girls, one vase” subject…
“What is Blitz into?” moment… “Stay innocent!”
The origin of dubstep is discussed
Mutt accidentally sent a “I love you” message to a 12 year old who somehow got the phone number of his niece.
Ezra's plan on getting some old arcade games leads to a discussion about favorite old games
Movie Talk - Best movie of 2012
During subservience,
Mutt starts to read the channel as the mexican hat dance starts, makes it to the “B”s and ends with “and all the rest!”
What movie scene makes you cry?
Duke has an interesting way of fighting off zombies… causing much pain in
Duke gets up on stage and interviewed
Swiffer channels Arthur and performs “Total Recalling”
Bacardi, Nightclaw, Duke, Dingo and DukeFawks get interviewed
We get to see several weird versions of Chuck-E-Cheese
During a musical performance of Fire with Fire, a “gaydar” shows up