Music Video (excerpt) “Bilbo Baggins”
Music Video (excerpt) “These boots are made for walking”
Dragon suit fight
Elders React: Video Games (FNAF)
Animated icons?

title? @ 1:18
Frozen Fever trailer

title @1:21
MLP meets Jean-Claude Van Damme
Let it Go: Bucktown Tiger
Rablats - Abraham
Fursuit music video:

title? @ 1:33
Video Artjam - Notfish
Leonard Nimoy -

show title?
Excerpt from Star Trek movie: Spok's funeral
Starfox “trailer” with real animals
Talking Husky video
Wicked Cyclone coaster animation
Thug Life
Fail video
Let it go… day three
Cooking video with kids
Breasts in church
Weeners in church
Laserman show
NFC “Atlantis Theme” animation video