Rummage tells about his adventures in the princess' changing room
Movie Talk: Spiderman and Sony vs. Disney
Copyright law and Disney
Many old school audience members drop in: SueDeer and Bennie others?
Ezra presents an idea coined by Atkelar - the show could use music to dance/act without actually streaming it and tell the audience up front when to start the song…
What is the one toy you had at Christmas that you can still remember?
What character would you erase from the Disney canon?
The cast rates Tim Burton movies
The cast discusses various conventions and their hotels
Sleeping habits lead to to various masturbation information.
PSA: Mental conditions and how to deal with attacks.
"Last Words" (and Actions)
Ezra: “Bye Sue, bye Bennie!”
Rummage: “aaaaaaaaaaahh….” trying to hold a note until the camera shuts off