Ezra has digital fleas and a camera reboot gets rid of them
Mutt mentions that the Super Bowl is on tonight
Atkelar mentions that the camera make him look fat, and the discussion end with creative ways to (re-)move the rear wall in the studio.
Time travel; You can't make yourself rich - What would you do?
Discussion about old theme-parks that's no longer around
KP has done some cleaning and shows some of the old newspapers and books that showed up
Yappy shows a list of extremely messy rooms
Oni_Kidou teams up with Ulala and Hatsune Miku to save the galaxy
Talk about Space Channel 5 and other exercise games that have become popular during lockdown
Collecting legos; Atkelar has sorted his collection and Mutt has eyed a bricky butt
Rubiks cubes - Oni_Kidou solves them in VRChat
Tech support is brought up, and multiple sighs is heard
Quiz - what's the origin of different sayings? (eg. letting the cat out of the bag)
Furdemon found a video-player in VRChat that can show the show.
Oni_Kidou's friend Domafox shows off two game-show worlds made in VRChat
Rummage interviews Cliff Husky that tell a story about how he met Mutt at AC during a fox-hunt. A story which leave Aesar rather confused
Aesar is babysitting a TV-transmitter so the viewers don't get mad at his boss if it crashes during the Super Bowl.
KP has made a list of objects that once was really common on peoples homes, but is rare today.
The show ends with a quiz - KP hopes that you have paid attention tonight