Mutt get the news that the city of F[cencored]ing, Austria is no more, it got a new name Fugging
The first tweet is for sale and it's currently at $2,5Mill - How do you get to own a tweet?
Due to a server chrash Yappy had to remake the VR living room
KP got a new job, it's quite a learning curve
Mutts phone can now be plugged into the show
Yappy has been rebuilding the show - new tech arrived
Discussion about complaints on twitter about cons cancelling and cons not cancelling
The cast discus health or the lack thereof
RickB gets interviewed about his VRChat cosplay
Movie talk
Atkelar shows a picture of an Austrian dish called Beuschel - food fit for human consumption?
Loreck gets interviewed
Some guests in the VR living room gets to ask magic 8-ball
Never have I ever with the VR living room
Q&A with the VR living room
Iron Artist (challenge) with the VR living room
Poink - “on this day in history”
Poink - “Name that toon”
Tycoon got a new dog, Lilo - a shiba inu
The show now has a panel that show Yappy the power usage - it only draws 8Amps (960W)
KP quiz of the night
What are your plans for the week?