The show is going back to a weekly schedule
Blitz has trouble getting in shot
Poink does a Roll-call in the twitch-chat, - Mutt acapellas the Mexican hat dance
Yappy dissected a pig once, it greatly disturbs Bacon
The love/hate of working from home
Mutt got a pet rat, named Dirty Pebbles by the chat
Poinks fish needs feeding
SpaceJam 2 - Cancel culture
Lil M Katsu & Wolfdog2007 gets interviewed
The cast have a hard time hearing Atkelar - and then he mutes himself
Getting your vaccine shot is just like getting a hotel room at a furcon
Yappy reads a list of games banned on Twitch
Mutt tells that there'll be more openings for guest stars now that the show returns to weekly
Poink: Name that toon - bunny edition
Karpour & Smokebewoke29 gets interviewed
Blitz reads the content of the “chocolate bunny”, there isn't much chocolate in it
drsoftpaws2017 gets interviewed
Blitz rates the VR paws
Bleis01 & Coastr gets interviewed
Discussion about rotating the cast on alternating weeks
Is the guests in the VR living room more or less dressed while in VR?