Table of Contents

Telethon 2012

The telethon 2012 episode was Episode 568.

Total Raised: $7281USD


AfterflaneAlex CAllen CAllen CAlleyGator
Andrew WAtkelarBlack Foot Da WolfBlackFootFerretBrace Bear
Bryan HChris LCirrusClaudio IDakotawuff
Daryl ADerek MDingoWolfAUEclairTalonErik
FancySkunkFillyJonkFlyingAceFox Albi AzulFur_Demon_Lar
GreySnowCatGuardianHonest BorisIan CIvan J
Jasper HJBadgerJeremy WJerome GJohn R
John WallabyJohnathan CJohndrell WolfJoshua AJoshua D
Kai YoshiKane HuskyKyle ELeviLou C Fur
Lucas BunnyLunden OtterLupe22MalaikaMarcelo T
Marcelo TMatt HMichael MOdakota FurryOrlando Fox
Otacon MagooPeter HPlumpdragonRasvarReokuKurosai
Richard BRichard GRobert MRobert TScorch
Shane GraytailShane PSibir LupusSlingblade_47snowballz
SonicGodstephen gSteven ASteven PSteven P
Steven PStratusfear TullyTechieFoxThomas LTimothy R
Troy KUncle KageUnicoWarDogCompanyWheelie
Wild Bill TXWindrunnerWolfcat_caWolfCoin009Wolfdog2007
Wolsangel sladeWoyroXavious A. WoulffeYamaZapper
Ziggy The CatZTBeagle

Telethon 2012 - Auction Items

items listed in order of announcement, not numerical

FIXME Was the Bond theme an auction item?

External (audience) auctions and offers

OreoFish - Painting

Kipper - Painting

OrlandoFox - Painting