Table of Contents
Telethon 2011
The telethon 2011 episode was Episode 526.
Total Raised: $8800 (rounded off)
Snapai | Alterflane | Anthroguy101 | Atkelar | AuroraFox |
Daniel B | Barney Husky | Barry M | BJ Buttons | BlackfootFerret |
Campion Lapine | Christopher W | Cirrus | Clementime | Coaster |
ColinFoxTail | Cosmic | Daichi Ookami | Damon W | Daryl A |
Dave R | David E | David H | Delphanaeous | Drache |
Dragonhead | Edward L | Eric M | Eric N | FancySkunk |
Fang Clawson | Fillyjonk | Fox-Albi-Azul | Fudgy Shepherd | Furdemonlar |
Garmon Martin Graytiger | Heath B | Honest Boris | hukka | James Ferret |
Jerzei Collie | John c | John Wallaby | Jonah T | Justin R |
Kael Corgi | Kakurady | KalaallitAmaroq | Kane Husky | Kathmandu |
Levi Raccoon | Lewis V | Lunden Otter | LutraMustil | Malaika |
Mangler | Mathias R | Matt Wolfwood | Mephitis | Mouser |
Mozdoc | numunuucoyote | Ocaran T | Ogg | Opie |
Paeter H | Plumpdragon | Pyrofox | Recherei | Rednic |
Redski | Reese Tora | Reoku Kurasai | Rhubarb The Bear | Rieshal |
Rioclaw | Robinchann33 | Roofus | Salen Stormwing | Scorch G. Dragon |
Scrimno | Shane Graytail | Skarky Blue Fox | Stephen G | Stratosfear Tully |
Tachyon | Techiefox | Thien H | Timothy A | Tony Ringtail |
Toraguy | VictorRedtail | Voidkat | Wet Fart | Wild Bill TX |
wolfcat_ca | Wolfdog2007 | Wolflight | Woyro | Xavious A. Wolffe |
ZachzFoXx | Ziggy | Zumoro |
The paypal address is:
Telethon 2011 - Auction Items
items listed in order of announcement, not numerical
- #2 Herbie offers a maquette - $500, Lunden
- #3 Herbie adds an offer for a potential pencil sketch… as long as it's a white pencil - $400, Malaika
- #4 Blitz sells off his collection of Furloween 12 - $120, malaika
- #5 Blitz sells off his collection of Furloween 13 - ,
- #6 JackRabbit auctions off two posters Yappy Fox doesn't want anymore - $46, Wet_Fart and $45, Techiefox-1
Puppet Auction
- Bulldog - $50, BarneyHusky
- Black Lab Puppet + Plush - $65, Voidkat
- Orca, Crab, Dolphin, Clam - $75, Delphanaeous
- St Bernard pair - $140, BlockbusterBernard
- Fawn - $55, Mephitis
- Rodents (Mouse, Hamsters, Rat, Possum) - $50, BJButtons
- Monkey - $25, Clementine
- Piggy, psycho piggy - $33, robinchan33
- Bears - $60, BJButtons
- Horse - $44, Rednic
- Freaky Kitty - $58, FangClawson
- Puppet collection: Gazell, Tigers, Lions, Jar Jar - $51, FangClawson
- Puppet collection: Panda, Koala, Bison, Cow, Orca, Porcupine, Wily Coyote, Giraffe - $65, Rioclaw
- Chicken, Owl - $74, robinchan33
- Kangaroo - $75, LutraMustil
- Lamb, Rabbit, Cat, Monkey, Raptor - $60, robinchan33
- Otter, Frog, Bunny, Pikachu, Dolphin, Muscle Guy, Beanie, Penguin Hat - $70, Pyrofox
- Flying Squirrel, Raccoon, Plush Doberman, Kitty, Frog, Badgers, - $60, Sawblade5
- Tiger, Squirrel, Tiger plush, Otter, Hamsters, Pig, Mutt-Bug - $70, ColinFoxTail
- Horse + Mutt's collar - $60, Recherei
External (audience) auctions and offers
Bucktown Tiger - piano cover auction
- Closed at $100.50, Fox-Albi-Azul
Vin - Custom squeaker song
- Closed at $46.50, anthroguy101
Kipper painting
Additional auctions?
telethon.2011.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/09 05:51 by