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wiki:episode_page_guidelines [2011/12/09 17:50] – external edit [2021/04/09 05:51] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Episode Page Guidelines ====== ====== Episode Page Guidelines ======
 After writing up well over 500 episode pages and brushing up the remaining ones I ([[..:Atkelar]]) thought it was time to put up a description of how I chose what to put in them and why - so others could expand on the pages without causing too much formatting errors. After writing up well over 500 episode pages and brushing up the remaining ones I ([[..:Atkelar]]) thought it was time to put up a description of how I chose what to put in them and why - so others could expand on the pages without causing too much formatting errors.
 +During a recent restructuring, [[:Yappy Fox]] has moved the episode pages into a namespace. The links now should read :episodes:episode_xxx - e.g. **:episodes:episode_123** to link to [[:episodes:episode_123|Episode 123]] - also, the wiki's last update causes the page title to be displayed instead of the page's name. So instead of listing **Episode 123**, the new version will show **[[:episodes:episode_123]]** which still can be overridden using the pipe-syntax.
 ===== The title ===== ===== The title =====
 Since the episodes don't have any official title, some funny tagline fitting in with either a major event during the show or a distinguishable theme throughout the show gets chosen.  Since the episodes don't have any official title, some funny tagline fitting in with either a major event during the show or a distinguishable theme throughout the show gets chosen. 
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 ===== Quotes ===== ===== Quotes =====
-Quotes that should make it - if available an OCR'version of [[..:Garrison Skunk]]'s quotes - are linked by episode number as "see also: Quotes".+The searchable text version of [[..:Garrison Skunk]]'s quotes were remoed during a wiki cleanup, as were the links to them.
 ===== Overview section ===== ===== Overview section =====
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 ===== Section overview ===== ===== Section overview =====
 The main sections and the order in which they appear are: The main sections and the order in which they appear are:
-  * **Cast** - always present. +  * **Cast** - always present. Any character appearing on stage who has lines. Karaoke doesn't count here, but otherwise it doesn't matter how many lines or how long they are on screen. Listed in order of appearance
-  * **Staff** - always present.+  * **Staff** - always present. Any person behind the scenes, pulling strings.
   * **Guests** - only present if there are live studio guests. Call in does not count here!   * **Guests** - only present if there are live studio guests. Call in does not count here!
-  * **Show Highlights** - always present. Include any memorable moment as a brief description, including linked character names. +  * **Show Highlights** - always present. Include any memorable moment as a brief description, including linked character names and episode references
-  * **Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description** - Only present when either of which is done during the show.+  * **Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description** - Only present when either of which is done during the show((some older pages still show the text "none was announced" which should be removed during edits)).
   * **Videos shown** - only present if there are //any// videos played during the show. Any video material that is NOT live at the studio and longer than one or two seconds counts.   * **Videos shown** - only present if there are //any// videos played during the show. Any video material that is NOT live at the studio and longer than one or two seconds counts.
-  * **Ass beating hour** - only present if a cast member (typically [[..:Poink]]) tells a story about their childhood experiences with parenting...+  * Specials: **Ass beating hour** - only present if a cast member (typically [[..:Poink]]) tells a story about their childhood experiences with parenting... 
 +  * Specials: **Nutshot of the week** - only present if there is a nutshot video played by the cast (video submissions don't count)...
   * **"Last Words" (and Actions)** - alwys present. Quote the characters last words before the stream cuts out. Inlcude notes if the stream/download cut out early or late.   * **"Last Words" (and Actions)** - alwys present. Quote the characters last words before the stream cuts out. Inlcude notes if the stream/download cut out early or late.
wiki/episode_page_guidelines.1323481811.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/19 17:40 (external edit)

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