100 USD - for instant song request: “Wichdoctor” sung by the chipmunks
10 USD - song request for
Lot 1: VCR/Portable CD Player - 50 USD - Mephitis
Lot 2: Comic books donated by
Herbie - 350 USD - JBadger
Lot 3: Realm of the Claw - action figures - 20 USD - R.V.?
Lot 4: Various figurines + Herbie RC car - 30 USD - R.V.?
Lot 5: AC 98, MFM 2000 t-shirts, Herbie “All you can eat” art CD - 125 USD - Kajet
Lot 6: Badger, badger, badger, mushroom… N'sync action figures - 40 USD - BungeeSkunk
Lot 7: Beanie Babies/Disney Antenna Toppers - 75 USD - PF?
Lot 8: Misc. show items… Gun and several books/videos, along with several “used, blank video tapes” - 120 USD - ???
Lot 9: Lot-o-junk - lots of pawpet props, including the fly swatter - 50 USD - Mephitis
Lot 10:
Mutt's body… - 225 USD - R.V.?