Yappy Fox makes the most putrid batch of sauerkraut ever-
Poink: “Sweet Jesus would somebody fart and take that stench away!?”
Lilly Voop has a cinnamon broom and is fart paranoid the entire night
Eurofriend Twinkie gets hit by a car while walking, prompting the formation of the eponymous club for hit and run victims- the audience is asked to design club T-shirts
Poink inspects Lilly's “bumpers”
Duke Fawks gets hit by a plane, Feros gets hit by a pimp, and Overblood gets hit by a deer
The cast shares stories of schoolyard fights
Lilly recounts her birthday spent with her friend's family
Mutt and Yappy discuss European food while Poink and Lilly put dirty words together “Electric Company” style
Lilly kicks Mutt in the head and does the “Carrotspin”
Coverage of Epcot's Food and Wine Festival, Cirque du Soleil shows, and other October events- special guest J.D. Puppy pays more attention to the wine
Discussion of favorite childhood toys-
Eagle Beagle plays with Mars Mud and Mutt can't help but bite Stretch Armstrong
Lilly has the hots for Harrison Ford and
Rummage floats off the ground
KP's birthday surprise- best friend Panda flies down to FL and disguises himself as a waiter at Wolfgang's
Liesl has birthday cake and
Scream Guy promotes Halloween with creepy and weird eBay items
Reading the channel- plenty of bad words
Subservient madness- Coco, J.D. Puppy, Jinx, and Sibu Siso steal Liesl's bra! Bobby Bobcat and Chuckles make 6 subservients in one night
Name That Toon round 2
J.D. and Jimmy take the Pink Flamingo Challenge and get interviewed