Due to an encoding failure, a freezeframe of JackRabbit looking pissed off is shown instead of the actual videos
A running gag about arguing over name? between the video clips ensues @ 2:54:00
Between stream problems, prep work for Megaplex, a ton of bunny death videos, a subservient and some 90 “top 60 quotes” the last part of the show gets a tad bit crowded
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
Pawpets with empty speech bubbles: do your worst!
Videos shown
Chocolate Bunny Death: Golf Club - Chilly
Chocolate Bunny Death: Mallet and Dr. McSlug - Atkelar
Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by Magic - Imro Tiger
Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by fire and others (unedited) - Doodles
Pawpet Video: How to make a glowy-eyed puppet - Atkelar
Chocolate Bunny Death: Will it flush? - Bungeeskunk