Table of Contents
Episode: 369
Airdate: Apr 06, 2008 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Fap-Tastic!
- Bassman (Subservient)
- Pounce Bunny
sp? @ 1:20:00
- Twinkie
who else?
- Jouva
- SloppyFox (Subservient)
- Recherei
Show Highlights
- Hugh Manatee's mic isn't working.. right until the exact time he says a swer jar word!
- Megaplex con crud and… toilet experiences are discussed
- A slideshow of interesting Megaplex moments
- The Karaoke Video from Megaplex causes much laughter
- Spits or swallows: kumquat soda and
what? @2:01
- After BucktownTiger goes “*fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap…*” in channel, Liesl gets all worked up as the guys explain to her what it means… total of 549 lines mentioning “fap”, 8352 “fap” grand total.
- Recherei brings in lots of stuff… a kinky looking massage thingy, coffee, copper coffee mug, Dremel, “my childs' first tattoo kit”, frog massager, kids toilet paper, gummi handcuffs, “mini EB”, energy drink, home blood preasure kit, poker game, Jar-Jar chewtoy, thong, knock off DVDs, beef strips, fox statue (with rolling pin), Sudoku game, shark puppet, lion filled with candy, t-shirt
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: Liesl and a huge sausage!
Videos shown
- Trippy fishtank video (excerpt)
title? @ 47:00
- Karaoke from Megaplex
who @ 54:00
- JD Puppy tries to pantomime “Amoeba” at Megaplex
- Beginning of Rocky Horror at Megaplex
- Neopantiger dancing @ 3:01:00
- Animated smily-face synth music video
title @3:03:00
- Chocolate Bunny Death: Melting (repeat from Episode 368)
- Eric Schwartz - Amiga animation to “Still alive”
- SK-1 bowls
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- download is cut short by a few seconds
episodes/episode_369.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by