Jimmy and James in London intro

title @ 1:40:00
TV-Funhouse: Michael Jackson cartoon
a couple of monsters fighting over a tv remote

title @ 1:44:00
Odo telling you to not screw it up
Laugh-in's Alan Sues as a Peter Pan that
Skippy D. Lion could relate to
Weather report
Foxy Lettuce commercial: a man buys a fox thinking it's lettuce

commercial @ 1:48:00
a spotted skunk does a handstand (German nature documentary)
“GE tape recorder” commercial
toasta pizza commercial
abc XIV olympic games announcement…
AM Chicago plug
???? @ 1:50
a clip from Chicago-based 70s puppet show “Gigglesnort Hotel” that would give Herbie nightmares as an adult
E-Z Pop - popcorn commercial
country song mash up with anime
“Ayds diet pills” commercial: an announcer asks “Why take diet pills when you can enjoy Ayds?”
another very hungry skunkie noms and noms and noms

title @ 1:59:00 - an angel gets a finger from the Big Guy
a Russian Pen spinner “electrocutes” himself with lamp