Evil Col Sanders says “BUY MY CHICKEN!”
Bird Dance commercial
Roadside Romeo - dance sequence
German intro for Hong Kong Phooey (pip)
Twitter video
Boogie Boogie Hedgehog
Liesl and Herbie at the Ren Fair
Weeble trying to lie down (Kit-Kat commercial)
“This is how I fold a shirt”… (Who watches the shirt?!)
Two guinea pigs and a cop… “The Road-dents”
Squirrel on water-skies
“The Rescue” - Lego version of Indiana Jones
Pawpet music video by Michael
“Goodnight from Channel 2”
“The Beany and Cecil show” intro
“Rocks and Trees and Trees and Rocks” by The Arrogant Worms (with Anime clips)
Skunk “Tire Plant” protest video (cut short)
“Fetch” - Animated dog not too happy about a tennis ball thrown by a little girl
Skunk on a treadmill