Table of Contents
Episode: 412
Airdate: Apr 05, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Network won't work
See also: Quotes.
Cast and Staff
Show Highlights
- Yappy Fox gets Skype for his iPhone… and can use it to make phone calls now!
- Ezra brings up a TV-show that showed purification pills for dirty water and tries to “sell them” as a show activity. The term “Pink Flamingo Purification Challenge” came to mind.
- KP Sneezes and pops several speakers and eardrums.
- The cast discusses what food they have eaten straight out of the container.
- Yappy Fox tries to make a cake out of ingredients found in his kitchen… Quote: “now… is there a substitute for egg?”
- Traffic tickets are compared.
- The cast discusses cereals and what they liked about them.
- Poink tries to get tech support for an e-mail issue…
- Ezra dances and the rest joins in
Song title? @ 2:19:00
- The cast does the Bumblebee Tuna
- Yappy Fox announces that an ad-free UStream would have cost 440 USD so far… a bit over three hours in.
- The cast wonders about what Falco sings about in “Der Komissar”
- Near the end of the show Yappy sees the middle of the show on the ustream monitor… about 2 hours of lag.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Pawpets as Football players
Videos shown
- Music Video: “Everybody needs a Ninja”
- “Start slow and smooth” BP commercial from 1973
- TorFur Bowling by BungeeSkunk
- TorFur Party by BungeeSkunk
- The Pinata Incident
- Fursuit Rodeo: Red light, Green light
- Japanese Commercial staring Sean Connery and a rabbit for Yogurt
- Boot camp for “Mousetrap” mice.
- “What is nano-technology” puppet song video.
- Coke Zero commercial with drive in cinema.
- “Hey Babe, you wanna boogie” geezer puppets
- Video mesh up -
song title missing
@ 2:05:00
- UK ad for Cajun Squirrel flavored potato crisps featuring a group of Squirrel fursuits.
- Kodak Flash-Cube commercial
- Cooking up Trouble - Muffin making animation
- Music Video: Village People - In the Navy
- “Looking Good Together” karaoke and visiting family (CBS commercial)
- Guess that Theme song Original link here
- Excerpt: “Falco: Der Kommissar”
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra (to Hugh) “Start laying colored eggs!”
- Hugh “Jiggly!”
episodes/episode_412.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by