Music Video: Coming Up - Paul McCartney (who plays all but two of the band members)
Beatles cartoon
“Paperback Writer” video
Mattel - toy gun commercial
Animated Cough Drops commercial featuring a hunter
Zoologist as part of a lion pride
Once upon a girl - Trailer
Corn Pops commercial
Rice criepies commercial
Mascots at a basketball game
Japanese commercial featuring a squirrel
Surprise party commercial
Special K commercial
Rotodraw commercial
Reese's Pieces commercial

(name correct @ 3:20:30)) commercial
Funny Bones commercial
Kellogs commercial

(strange commecial for tapes, maybe? @ 3:24:30)
Car cleaning product commercial
“Make Room For Granddaddy” teaser - a sequel to his 50s sitcom “Make Room For Daddy”.
Anti smoking ad
Strange ready-to-eat dinner commercial

real title @ 3:38:00