Table of Contents
Episode: 419
Airdate: Jun 07, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Ezra, Mutt and Mormons too
JackRabbit (and hence Poink and Hugh Manatee) is missing from the show because his house got robbed the same day.
The show had a bad start as the ISP that Simba runs his server on had a major outage. The show started on the backup IRC (anthrochat, #pawpet) and switched back 27 minutes prior to show start.
- Monkey
name @ 1:55:00
- Mormons
Show Highlights
- Mutt has a quick trip (about 5 seconds) to ride some coasters
- Mutt describes how he's the only one who can mess up a Mac
- The cast discusses movie reviews for “UP”
- Mutt wonders what the “Pink Panther” movie was all about… having the panther only in the intro.
- Dookie sings…
- Scream Guy drinks coffee from the proper copper coffee pot - and manages to kill KuddlePup's laptop in the process.
- Scream Guy tries out “reusable toilet paper” (formerly known as the hair of Bertha)
- Kuddlepup tries to tele-market the reusable toilet paper. But he “…feels like Eagle Beagle..” as he can't look over the stage.
- Mutt paints a smile on a gas mask
- Mormons or Jehova's Witnesses at the door? Let's interview them!
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- no official art-jam topic was announced… the channel produced serveral ideas abound JackRabbit getting robbed.
Videos shown
- Pawpet News Episode 4 - Atkelar
- Cookie starts with “C” - to “cats” video (Gong'd)
- Eye of the Skunk
- The Fox and the Baby
- Fuji at Funspot
- Merlin the dog
- Old “Newspaper on computer” report (1991)
- The Gary Gnu Show episode
- Music Video: House of the rising sun - Animals
- Beach Boys - ?
- Music Video: Coming Up - Paul McCartney
- Coaster simulator + Mutt in bluescreen
- “Keep your eye on the ball”
- Two puppets stealing
- Two puppets ordering dinner
- Bic Banana commercial
- Pole Position commercial
- Music Video with Felix the Cat cartoon
- CG-doggy dancing to Tom Jones “What's new pussycat?” (www.ChrisMagovern.com)
- Music Video: Sex with ducks
- “The sound of music” dance routine, set up as a flash mob
- Computer virus news report - historic from the 80s
- Computer forecast - historic from 1969
- “in the news” - Ketchup
- Skunks raiding a fridge
- WIP: “Mika - Lollypop” animated video
- Space Cats intro
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Mutt “Two weeks, baby, two weeks!”
episodes/episode_419.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by