Human Domino Chain
Dancing bear with a Guitar (Howie Heart - I'm so in love)
Fantastic Mr Fox movie trailer
Dancers to “12 Days of Christmas”
Dog driving a car Carfax Commercials
Mr. Terrific intro
My Mother the car intro
Star Wars sequences to the McGyver theme
“Elektronic” - Zlad
2 1/2 Watchmen
AT & T commercial
Japanese “breadsticks” commercial
Vampire Playgirls - preview
Dr. Tran: “Fruit Hat”
“The Nude Bomb” trailer
Animated japanese commercial for Contact cold medication
“Mermaid corpse” training for cats
Animated music video

Title needed (may be “have you seen my sister”) @ 1:28:00
Catcerto (Cat “playing” a piano with a concert done to it)
Wonderdog interview - and barked song
Billy Brown music to stills from “Ratattoui”
“Weasel in disguise” video from AC
Telephone call video, resulting in body hair discussion
Mascot driving school in Ford Mustang
The curse of Cheddar bay
“pee video” (whatever that was…) “Pee in the shower, save the rainforest”
“The lion sleeps tonight” sung by hippo and dog…
“un radiateur pour deux” - Animated fly vs. spider