Music Video:

title @ 59:00
Pawpet News Flash: Gun Accident -
A closed set means: SCRAM - Rapid T. Rabbit visits the Muppets
Literal Video - Total eclipse of the heart
“Headshot” Video
Carnevil clowns
Michael Jackson in “Home Alone again”
Music Video:

title 2:32:00 - Men at work
Minesweeper - the movie (trailer,
Make me psychic - strange animation video
IQ - “I Quit” commercial
Bear Wiz Bear commercial
Mean Kitty - the evil candy bowl
Car-Fax / Car-Fox commercial
Burping Owl
Ant and bug - car alarm
Point your finnger wiggle puppet
Music Video: “Wrong Hole”
2 Team Fortress 2 videos
Camel Filters “animation”
Ms PacMan cereal commercial
Gorillaz: Clint Eastwood