Table of Contents
Episode: 432
Airdate: Oct 04, 2009 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Now popular!!
JackRabbit is out sick, so Poink and Hugh Manatee are missing…
- Shy
- Skippy
- BjornGrafalder
- Hilahila (Subservient)
- Evil Duncan (Subservient)
- Vin (Subservient)
- Sunfire (Subservient)
- Duncan (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- The show has been promoted to “popular” status on UStream
- Mutt has a zen moment thinking about popular and and being liked…
- Ezra gets challanged: he has to name Beatles songs played backwards
- BjornGrafalder gets interviewed
- We get a brief glimpse of Yappy Fox's bedroom: Bedroom Cam!
name @ 2:09:00 calls in after making Eagle Scout, and…
- …Kuddlepup tries sells off an owl for an eagle.
- The subservients - Vin, Sunfire and Hilahila - freak out the pizza guy
- Headless moment, as Vin and Yappy Fox have a slight run in at a camera switch
- presentation of the new FPS stage sign…
- Vin eats Bawk for dinner…
- KuddlePup rummages through stuff backstage and checks what they could sell for the fundraiser
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Disney-fied pawpets
- Caption: Little girl touching the bum of a hand…
Videos shown
- Pawpets rewind: Rummage and Petunia kissing to “What is love” - see Episode 431
- Fox in Socks - beatboxing rap version www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSqdbB3DAJE
- Blu Ray Laser Phaser
- Bolt plush video, hunting a cat
- Daft Punk vs The Charlston http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=339ixMtHrVk
- Disney-fied Family Guy - “It's a wonderful day for pie”
- Bike Safety - Fox Aniboom Animation
- Burger King - Spongebob commercial
- BucktownTiger plays the pawpet theme song
- “Critters and Lasers” http://www.vimeo.com/6739134 (Original Video)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BxM47oHrfI
- Old Chef Boy-ardee Ravioli commercial, featuring a rabbit and a fox
- Literal Videos - Beatles “Penny Lane”
- Twisted metal movie (Fan made trailer)
- Delaware Furbowl 9
- Kea getting frisky
- Bunny 91 animation
- The animals of farthing wood
- “Screw learning to dance” by Stathgar
- Japanese Snack food commercial
- yoghurt pants animation
- ShamWow Guy in Jail
- Asian kid playing the guitar
title @ 2:48:00
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Show closes with the subservients dancing and throwing plushies around.
episodes/episode_432.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by