Music Video: “Only You Can” - Fox

title @ 1:28:45
Merlin commercial
Polar Bear pooping
“Sesame Street” intro
Bumbo III
Robot choreography to “Silent Night”, “Santa Claus is coming to town”
Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody (cut short, video fail)
Public health agency of canada: Sneezing into the back of your knee
Pepper stop motion animation
Pigeon Impossible animation
The adventures of little Cthulhu
Turkey dinner: 30 seconds. Thermite by the looks of it
Horse kick
Strange potty animation

title @ 2:24:00
Hangin' out at the grill
Bad quality VHS… (gong'd)
Furry Song (v1) - Kurrel (cut short)
Japanese commercial….

what? @ 2:29:45
Creepy clay-mation

title @ 2:30:00
V - Dance for Art 1
RJ Gritter - RC plane choreography
“live” Animation

title @ 2:42:30
Deluxe Hugs, 2$
Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
Rat Poison… illegal medicin warning
Cats and Domo (Gong'd)
Three more japanese commercials (Gong'd)

title @ 2:52:15
Bear at dinner table
Mascot Outtakes
Stewie playing with a see and say