Music Video: Techno Chicken
Music Video: Schnuffel “Piep piep”
“Orangina” commercial with cougar
“Orangina” commercial with giraffe
“Orangina” commercial with hyena
“Orangina” commercial with panther
“Orangina” commercial with cougar shaving
“Orangina” commercial with pony
Clementine (Fennec fursuit, dancing)
The lion sleeps tonight - animation
Wheaties commercial (B/W puppets)
Will it blend? Vuvuzela!
Ovalteenies commercial
Slip Slop Slap - skin cancer
Double Rainbow - Autotune version
Turtle… brush… techno…
Rolf Harris and Basil Brush singing…
Beer commercial
Skunk “candid camera” stunt

title @ 1:20:30
College Humor: Internet-Troll
Staticity Cat vs. Balloon
Spongebob - rectal thermometer
Dogs baking bread
Mongrels backstage
Fake lake
“I have a sign” protester
Messin' with Sasquatch… commercial.
Red nose day - commercial
300 - PG version
Bucktown Tiger: Batting practice
“Lassy” as a cat… didn't work
Staring contest… with ANIMAL!
Mario stop-motion animation
Mario vs. Backman
Toyz Noiz - Toystory mash up
Suzie and the internet
Shrub Rover
?? @ 1:53:00
Cat with a prostetic
Cat, dog + deer

@ 1:57:00 (cut short)
Brave little toaster (cut short)
Spitting Image (cut short)
Steven King movie excerpt @ 1:58:00 (cut short)
Piano @ 1:58:30 (cut short)

title @1:59:00
The Housepets webcomic animation/song
I kissed a nerd (cut short)
Double Rainbow - regular
Kitty TP commercial