Table of Contents
Episode: 466
Airdate: Jul 18, 2010 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Christmas in July 2010
- Mangusu
- Tac (Subservient)
- ZekeHusky (Subservient)
White Elephant gift exchange
- Mangusu: Enema set
- JackRabbit: Jello pudding
- Zeke: Box 'o stuff (Bananas, Business Card, Picture Frames, Camera,…)
- KuddlePup: Bag 'o stuff (Oliver picture viewer, card, 8bit art gift certificate)
- Mutt: Steals enema set
- Mangusu: “Have a tail lifting mid year christmas” bag (flip-flops)
- Blitz: Steals Jello
- JackRabbit: Poopin' Cow
- Yappy Fox: Giant Sunglasses
Show Highlights
- Mutt has trouble putting on the santa hat
- JackRabbit gets hit by the Christmas tree during the white elephant gift exchange
- Mutt steals the “Enema set” during the gift exchange and learns the hard way how it's used…
- …resulting in a funny round of “What else is up Mutt's butt?”
- Mutt shows pictures of coaster-con.
- Tac is challanged by ~V~ during his subservience and dances to a song sent by him.
- (upcoming) Movie-talk: Alpha and Omega
- Mutt wants zombie attacks in chick flicks.
- The cast plays “Name that carpet”
- ~V~ calls in
- Yappy Fox farts and kills the zombie cat
- The IRC channel freezes because the pawpet.org server went down about 2:18 into the show (198 users are in #pawpet at the time)
- “Jennifer Lopez” reads the frozen channel
- The cast discusses old phrases and their origin
- Toad acts to “Crazy Frog”
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- None was announced and due to the server autage mostly older art got shown.
Videos shown
- Evolution of dance
- “Human launch system”
- Masquarade AC 2010 - The history of dance, Part 2 (Tac)
- Music Video: Moskau (during subservience)
- Music Video:
title @ 1:15:30 (during subservience)
- Vogue
- AnthroCon 2010 - The panic (Oreo) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alPxBh4uPRA
- Bacon Jalupa (OH Pawpets, Consumer Fox)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Here's your toilet paper” (puts a santa hat on stage)
episodes/episode_466.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by