360° swing… and gone!
Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by Fleshlight… or was it? -
Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by firecracker & Road flare - Shadow D. Wölf
Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by airsoft rifle -

Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by WiFi - Fred Bedderhead
Chocolate Bunny Death - Classic: Death by automatic weapon -
2 Gryphon
Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by eating -

who? …pup?
Peep Death: Death by fox! - Fox-Albi-Azul
Chuckles the red fox
Chuckles the red fox tribute! - Chickles feels like dancin!
Chuckles the red fox :)
Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by fireworks and glue - BlackFoot
Peep Death: Death by swirly fireworks - PsychoCatBoy
Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by lighter fluid? and matches - PsychoCatBoy
Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by katana - PsychoCatBoy
Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by arrow - PsychoCatBoy
Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by big bunny -
Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by coffee -
Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by 40W laser - KalaallitAmaroq

title ? @ 1:55:00 - do-pawpets.ca
Pawpet Music Video:

title @ 2:02:00 New York Pawpet Show
Zipline Coaster promo
Chocolate Bunny Death: Death by wooden claw… or not - Three_Zero
Star Wars show animation…

source? @ 2:52:00
“Double Dream Hands” video - cut short