Bumper video from
Devo video

Firetruck going through flood
Girl you know it's true
Girl you know it's true - on stage fail
Angry cat
Husky and Baby
Justin Bieber throws up on stage
Ogg drives home
Hugh sound over manatee animation

??? @ 1:45:00 - Fursuit song
Meerkat Tales
Party Rock Anthem video to the Star Wars Cantina Music
MLP singing about a convention
Music video:

weird @ 02:21:00
Music video: Airfield - Making love out of nothing at all
Tiger Boo
Rapping Rooster B-Clux
Obama Phone - original
Obama Phont - autotuned
Oppan Gangnam Guile
Klingon Style
Hey, I just met you
I'm a Crazy Weirdo - Parry Gripp
Sythia wants you to shut up
It's… Friday?
I hate this ringtone
I'm your Boyfriend!
Tucan Puppet
“The Hunger Games” - A bad lip reading
Kicked your monkey - A bad lip reading of Somebody that I used to know
Miniatur Wunderland commercial
Miniatur Wunderland - Fire brigade
Miniatur Wunderland - Airport