Table of Contents
Episode: 565
Airdate: Oct 14, 2012 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]TBD
- Neptune (Subservient)
Show Highlights
- Yappy Fox had gassy food… and can't remember what it was!
- Blitz's diet is discussed…
- Fart Alert! Multiple times!
- Brunhilda tells us about his “nude experiences”
- The cast discusses awkward vomit moments
- Kuddlepup plugs DingoRoo's “the tastiest treat badges”
- Yappy Fox announces - in between some other lines - that the next episode is going to be the fundraiser show.
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- No official artjam was announced
Videos shown
“My Dingeling”
- Ray Stevens - The Streak
- Ray Stevens - Mississippi Squirrel
title? Robots Gangnam Style
- Pony Gangnam Style
title? slug on spoon
MLP animation?
- Skyrim review
- Sailor choir
- Music Video: “Somebody that I used to know” parody GONG'd
- Music Video: “Somebody that I used to know” parody featuring a dog and a cat: “The kitty that I used to know”
- Music Video: Tom Jones
song title?
- Candid camera… bike bell
- MLP video?
- Episode 215 excerpt - in which Yappy Fox badmouths the Smart cars…
- The ultimate useless machine
- Teddy Bears' Picnic 3D (2011) - Trailer
- Floppy Drive - Ghostbusters theme
- Tailed Telecast
- 9 lives cat food commercials
- The nixie watch
- HYT - Hydro Mechanical Horologists
- 10 most expensive watches
- Music Video: Gangnam Style
FAIL videos
- Fat kid in ride almost falling out
- Magic trick failed!
- Horse kick
- Slide jump
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Blitz!”
- Ezra and Poink “PAWS!”
- Blitz “aww”
episodes/episode_565.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by