Todays guest is minor so everyone gets a bit childish
And the rating goes out the window soon after
Yappy has been chasing the sync issues and it's a case of “Many small streams”
school-talk with Atkelar how does school look in Australia… ehh Austria?
Yappy shows off two pillows he made in school
What's mothers day in Spanish? - TheaFX teaches us
Toxxic0's favourite word is “Petrichor” - the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil.
Todays word in Austrian is “Feucht” - moisture
Mutt, Yappy and the computer has an argument about the size of the chat
What happens after generation Z? - Atkelar points out that Unicode has more than 10.000 characters
How much would you pay for a fursuit? (based on an auction this week where a suit went for $50.000
Tech support of the week with KP
What has Atkelar planned for future videos?
Lightbulbs and planned obsolescence
“True or false” with the Chaos Lounge
Mutt talks with the K-Mom (and Mika) and invites her to Megaplex
KP opens a present from Yappy - a photographic camera (KP wants to photograph insects)
Tonights guest is younger than the show
What odd flavour of ice cream do you like?
“Would you Rather” with the Chaos Lounge
VR talk
Mizu becomes a Pokemon
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
Toxxic0 does “Never Have I Ever - dating edition” with the Chaos Lounge