An Aussie shepherd puppet is on its way! …from Australia.
Yappy guides tonight's guest in the dangerous waters that is IT and Zoom settings
Sherbert gets interviewed
Everyone is now aware that Yappy can play music
If your FPS lasts longer than four hours, you should see a doctor
Babies; liquid or solid?
Food with names?
“Multiple choice game” with the Chaos Lounge
“The Guessing Game feat. Sherbert” with the Chaos Lounge
Sherbert: Cirque de Soleil - Skinny people turning into pretzels live on stage
“Never Have I Ever - cute-off” with Sherbert & Toxxie
(Tonight's guest has to leave after two hours)
Atkelar makes his stance on blue LED's known
Mutt has already put up the Christmas tree
Toxxie started his new job this week… It's stressful.
…and rather dull
Song break
Back to discussing Toxxie's bowel movements yet again
Yappy has three years of not going to cons to catch up on
Firr does “Never Have I Ever - dating edition” with the Chaos Lounge
Would Atkelar accept belly-rubs for $1.000.000, and a BNIB C64?
Thanksgiving is next Thursday, after this coming Thursday, in 1½ week, 25. November
Would you watch the Christmas parade live in New York?
How to give back to the patrons?