The Chaos Lounge has a dice, and the guests has made a game with it
McD talk, is the biggest one still in Orlando?
Talk about buttons - the show has a lot of them, Yappy shows them off
Toxxie remotes in from 10ft away
…and quickly starts to owe $$ to the swear-jar.
Discord talk
The events at the Oscars are discussed (Will Smith & Chris Rock)
½-hour later and Toxxie is still fighting the computer/VR-setup.
KP received a package from Ukraine for a project he's working on
Yappy got duped by an April-fools video
Would you like to have Mister Rogers a your boss?
Lil_Magno gets interviewed
Toxxie gets punished for his bad mouth
“Would you Rather” with the Chaos Lounge
The highest voltage you've had a shock of?
KP makes “That song went wrong” titles with help from the cast and Chaos Lounge
The Chaos Lounge plays “Florida man”
The show turns into four sheepdogs and a cat
The Chaos Lounge plays “Yappy says”
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
Subservient bumblebee
There's a new Strong Bad video
“The Guessing Game feat. “General topics”” with the Chaos Lounge
Bad monotone voice-over