Uncle Kage just finished a charity stream
Three sheets to the wind - what does that actually come from?
Atkelar is back from the annual Eurofurence meeting
Simba is out with the 'rona
Toxxie is now in control of the bonk-hammer - he thought…
“Toxxie Correction Device”
New game: “VR Checkers” - controlled by the Twitch chat
“VR Checkers” - round 2
The cast ponders solutions on Eurofurence's current location limbo
Somewhere on the planet where there isn't a furcon at the moment?
Mutt moment: How many states are there in the US? (00:58)
What is the most searched word in different states on a naughty website?
Toxxie mishears “Nordic Fuzz Con” as “Naughty Fox Con”
Why did people start to eat rotten/sour/pickled/fermented foods?
“Extreme trivia questions” with KP
Both Atkelar and Yappy wants an Enigma machine
Diamond-info with KP
What are your go-to condiments?
20230205@02:07:23 - it has been noted Mutt
Reminder to everyone: Please don't use copyrighted music in your video submissions
“Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
“One has to go” with the Chaos Lounge
Atkelar points out that the dice in the Chaos Lounge are wrong (opposing faces needs to add up to seven)
The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
Thanks to Fooma for making the Chaos Lounge run so smoothly
What's the most disgusting room-mate you've had?
Toxxie went on a new coaster and saw a musical this week
Favourite fair-junkfood?