The show was off last week due to Anthrocon being on
KP met a lot of the guests from the Chaos Lounge
There was fursuiters on the local news
CCritt hosted some very popular game show panels
It was Yappy's birthday last week
Almost everything was good, except an unwanted visit from Canadian smoke
CoastHusky gets interviewed
The amount of loose fur at AC burnt out three vacuum cleaners
JoJo has had some offspring, meet mini JoJo!
CCritt gets interviewed
Tonight's guest HearthFox gets interviewed
Wiggle Fox shows up!
Atkelar has made a marionette of his own
KP and Oni_Kidou wants to write a song for Wiggle Fox
Mutt points out Foomas new VR-avatar
Wiggle Fox wiggles to a fart song
Next weeks guest is Yve - who ran a bunch of puppetry panels at AC
HearthFox plays “Never Have I Ever - dating edition” with the Chaos Lounge
“Which Came First?” with the Chaos Lounge - and Wiggle Fox
Uncle Kage calls in an gets interviewed about Anthrocon
When did Uncle Kage first appear on the show?
71)(It was on
episode_36 - Aug 06, 2000)
KP reads a preliminary version of the song to Wiggle Fox
A company has now gotten on KPs naughty list because of $0.01
“VR Checkers”
Subservient Wiggle Fox
“Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
Wiggle Fox gets interviewed