KP has gotten a new microphone/headset
Mutt has made new animations for “cheering bits” in Twitch - Toxxie feels it
Two guests are in the planning tonight (though things might change)
Yappy tells a story about headphone-condoms
The Chaos Lounge shrinks, and someone grows
KP had Toxxie test-taste Beverly
The show now has a bluesky account
Atlekar calls the social media formerly knows as Twitter for X-twitter
Yappy tried an Yubikey for two-factor authentication - it's a pain in the rear
Atklear now has a slide-whistle
Talk about timely food delivery when dining out
Subservient Scout
KP learned something about the difference between Spanish & Portuguese pronunciation
The chaos lounge has a bug that make everyone sound gurgly - we'll try a restart
“CCritt's Furry card sharks” with the Chaos Lounge
Electropaw gets interviewed
Dashingfoxie has won an ice hockey tournament
Talk about the fires in Canada and Hurricane+Earthquake in California
“Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
CoastHusky gets interviewed about his visit to New York
“Guess the prompt” with Stargazer
“KP's Spotlight Question” with the Chaos Lounge
A look at the art on the walls of the Chaos Lounge