Mutts Santa-hat has gone missing
For some reason Scorch has sent in a mechanical metronome
Toxxie gets hit with all sorts of hard objects
Atkelar has started baking Christmas cookies
Toxxie gets introduces to Forrest
Fooma has installed an arcade game in the Chaos Lounge
There's gifts to Mutt, Yappy & Toxxie from Fooma (& KP)
Mutt: Reese's dipped animal crackers, Star Wars poster - signed by the characters
Yappy: Kangaroo & Camel jerky, Marshmallows / Graham crackers / Chocolate, S'mores maker
Toxxie: Large Toblerone, Pocky, Framed Picture of Toxxie, $30 donation to a bee charity
For all: Gingerbread house to decorate and eat
“Christmas game” with the Chaos Lounge
Yappy has a spicy challenge for Mutt..
KP talks about his trip to MFF
A look in the art-jam channel
“Jump the hurdles” with the Chaos Lounge
KP reviews the movie “Wish” and the new Miyazaki film “The boy and the heron”
What's your favourite Disney movie?
Talk about worst/favourite movies
“Guess the prompt” with Stargazer
The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
Next week there'll be some live guests on the show
There'll be a show for both Christmas and New Years