The show starts with the cast complaining about Yappy Fox farting.
Mutt brings up the “upcoming” Episode 420 - and mentions that “…the police is going to pull up outside…” - not that Atkelar didn't know about this as he created his 420 special depicting exactly that.
Yappy Fox brings a spits or swallows: extra sour candy.
Mutt realizes his Secondlife avatar is the 8bit character on SL
Eagle Beagle has a picture of himself in his wallet… along side a parliament house card
Mutt brings up “Appliance Directly” - a local appliance store
During subservience, a “live censor bar” is added - but it's all over the place only occasionally hitting “the mark” - so the bar is later stuck directly to the suiter
Somebody plops a Chuck-E-Cheese tail on the stage which looks a bit disturbing and phallic
The cast talks about their near-death experiences
Channel Karaoke: The Wall, ???, ???, Strangers in the night
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
Pawpets and coffee
Caption: Dump truck vs. pole
Videos shown
Mr. Oyzo, flat beat
Tim Allen turning into a dog ( name of the movie)
Weird Al - My Pancreas
Japanese PacMan - puppets
Spongeback Mountain
Video submission with “Duck Hunt” intro and Bingo from Episode 319 acting as the dog (Subservient request)
"Last Words" (and Actions)
Yappy “Remember, two more days to register for MegaPlex!”1)