Table of Contents
Episode: 321
Airdate: Feb 04, 2007 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Australia
- ?? (Guest from Australia)
Show Highlights
- Poink confesses to take Lilly Voop's underwear
- Lilly Voop's sister is sending her wedding videos on YouTube…
- Funday Pawpet can stay up on WikiPedia → https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funday_PawPet_Show
- Poink finds out that “Manatee” means “breast” in some language
- About 15 minutes into the show, Yappy Fox poots
- KimberFox Obituary
- Pink Flamingo
- Liesl saying “I did it with pudding” referred to the Pink Flamingo challange… yet it was an example of a poor chice of words.
- The cast discusses old arcade games
- Video effects and hand held cam fun
- Lilly Voop tries to kiss Java to find out if he turns into a prince
- Spits or swallows
- Spider stands to attention during a performance of the star spangled banner
Art Jam topic(s)/Caption Picture description
- Caption: A big headed mascot taking a break - headless + feetless
Videos shown
- Appliance Direct - commercial “White Porcilain”
"Last Words" (and Actions)
- Ezra “Thanks to Eagle Beagle”1)
Download cut off a few seconds before the end credit song finished, live version might hava had different ending
episodes/episode_321.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/10 05:35 by