The show was off last week due to a family emergency.
KP is feeling unwell and participates from the recliner at home
What is your to-go film for making you feel good?
The weird effects of world economics
Experiences with scam callers
Yappy messes with google and alexa
Mutt has been away for two weeks and can't remember a thing
clothing-talk, KP gave Yappy advice on buying a suit
Amazon got in trouble in the UK for dumping unsold products - Atkelar sees material for “tinkering with Atkelar.”
Mutt is thinking about getting a new house, Yappy has thought up a plan for making that happen.
For once Poink needs the Ban Hammer, but where is it? - luckily it's rarely used
Yappys garage door spring broke, and Atkelars car failed inspection due to bad springs
Yappy shows pictures of things he restored at work.
Mutt visited a carousel museum while on holiday
and Knoebels amusement park
..and a really spooky hotel
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - two rounds
More photos from Mutt's holiday
“Would you Rather” with the Chaos Lounge
even more photos from Mutt's holiday - Dutch Wonderland
TV-show talk
Oni_Kidou has his first vacation in years going to Megaplex
Christmas in July is a moth away - start preparing
Megaplex is five weeks out
…And then the cast needs a drink