The show forgot how to count
Mutt is admitted to the hospital to have his heart checked
The show automation broke… it is decided it's Mutts fault as he tried to VPN in via UPS but got Ryanair … or something
KP had a kid try to walk through him at Gatorland
By accident KP flipped the bird and cooked the turkey upside-down
Toxxie almost overslept, was almost late for work (and forgot his phone at home)
The Chaos Lounge gets interviewed about their Thanksgiving
Christmas season is on; what's your favourite Christmas music?
Atkelar and Oni_Kidou gets split half/half
News on Toxxies car - now with an air-mattress
What would the name be if Toxxie had a talk-show? (00:47)
Since Mutt is absent tonight
Forrest has a stand-in in form of a Christmas tree
Movie-quote quiz with KP
More Chaos Lounge Thanksgiving interviews
Talk about Rocket T. Coyotes launch panel
What ingredients are in (industrial) cookies
Because of the plastic-peel discussion last week a whole roll of peel has been sent to the show
Weight-loss and eating out - a good idea
Yappy had wine at Thanksgiving and his blood sugar went off the chart
Toxxie fell asleep on the floor at KP's Thanksgiving dinner
Oni_Kidou shows pictures of X-Box where the magic smoke escaped
“KP's Movie-quote quiz” with the Chaos Lounge
Atkelar has recreated a small part from WarGames
Time for some ice-skating in the Chaos Lounge
The Chaos Lounge wishes Mutt a speedy recovery
A look in the archives (ep. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 & 9)