If there isn't any no-show weeks the 1000th show will happen in about a year
KP directs the discussion to poop-talk rather quickly
To sing or not to sing?
Dammit Badger turned 40 this week and was celebrated
KP (and Toxxie) on helium
Tomorrow Toxxie might get a new job
The Chaos Lounge get even more chaotic as Toxxie tests a new VR-camera and breaks the audio-setup
Ajax, wildfireco224 & Lyrac gets interviewed in the Choas Lounge
“One has to go” with the Chaos Lounge
Atkelar suggest a “Whac-A-Toxxie” game for the Chaos Lounge - everyone (except Toxxie) likes the idea - Fooma will start working on it at once
In April there's a Solar eclipse in Texas - KP want to go see it
Talk about needles
How often should you change your clothes? - and your towel
Sleeping habits
Toxxie now has an Etsy-shop
Loose balloons
The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
Talk about work that is hard, but goes unused