Table of Contents
Episode: 943
Airdate: Jan 28, 2024 [Download] [Artjams and other files ]Streaming mode, Not screaming mode
- Raccoon - Yappy 00:14:00
? name
- Zorin the Lynx 1)
- Fred_Bedderhead 2)
- bungeeskunk 3)
- Campyun 4)
- Shortcake21 5)
- CCritt93 6)
- PeppermintthecuteHusky 7)
- Firehouse-pup 8)
- wildfireco224 9)
- John R Hall 10)
- ScuffedPan 11)
- Aquariadragon 12)
- Weirdpupper 13)
- Chenall 14)
- Lue-Duck 15)
- corthewolf 16)
- Lyrac 17)
- zeekle33 18)
- DeeterRabbit 19)
- Ajax_Wolfaroo 20)
- Furdemon 21)
- dashingfoxie 22)
- [cyberiad] Phoenix 23)
- Isabun 24)
- Darchronic 25)
- Furricide 26)
- Nurdyguyz 27)
- AzureLupine 28)
- Star_Borealis 29)
- Closetfox 30)
- Jetlongtal 31)
- inari gshepherd 32)
- Venti_The bard 33)
- Tempest_W0lf_Neon_Coyote 34)
- Naddar 35)
- Finley_Otter 36)
- Neon Fenrir 37)
- vanillaotter 38)
- TravisBeaw 39)
- Wolflove 40)
- Reyess126 41)
- Boots! 42)
- Yoyobuae 43)
- Fooma 44)
- Moontervia 45)
- RoushTheShepsky 46)
- istnt 47)
- Ravenclaw1998 48)
- EBMfan86 49)
- Raven_Pup 50)
- ComKitt 51)
- S p e c t r o 52)
- DarkCrow1201 53)
- Fluffy_Shadow 54)
- Rhinowolf 55)
- JimHawking 56)
- AquaFox Zorro 57)
- Coolmario88 58)
- Silva Blu 59)
- Toxy LoneWolf 60)
- Denali Shep 61)
- ShadowOtter 62)
- DCKingFox 63)
- The Foxo 64)
- coily 65)
- KayShep 66)
- Michel Mephit 67)
- Taeryth 68)
- ShermanVRC 69)
- Chief1337 70)
- damientheroo 71)
Show Highlights
- Things start off a little meta
- How does citric acid give minty fresh breath?
- New game “Bingo!”
- Some offspring of Rummage shows up, but what's the name?
- KP talks about watching “Wizard of oz” on the big screen
- What would you like to re-watch on the big screen?
- Poink update: Car battery died, still sending applications, slipped and fell on the floor
- Toxxie is trying to operate the camera in the Chaos Lounge - it's a shaky experience
- KP makes a variation of the Dashing-ism game
- The show gets held up by (VR-)gunpoint
- Oni_Kidou shows off a VR camera
- Scorch sent in (weird) snacks - Toxxie is voluntold to do a round of “spits or swallows”
- Toxxie now has an Etsy store –> https://www.etsy.com/shop/ToxxiesCrafts
- “Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
- Passwords - Why do they n33d to B€ s0 c0mp1ic@TED?
- Toxxie smells of weed, how to make the smell go away?
- Plans are in the works for the valentines-day show
- If you have original content please send it in
- How Yappy made Toxxie quit smoking
- CCritt is the first to get a “Bingo!”
- “The Country Bear Jamboree” is no more - Yappy is taking it apart
- (old) Food talk
- Movie talk
- Zootopia ride at Disney Shanghai
- Goth Circus “Paranormal Cirque” - Mutt has photos
- “Where do you stand?” with the Chaos Lounge
- Mutt can't make a phone charge
- Talking about the weather - we've run out of topics to talk about
- The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
- “Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
- A look in the Discord Coffee Shop Chat
Videos Shown
“Last Words” (and Actions)
- Mutt - “I'm dead” hangs himself
- Toxxie - “incoherent screaming”
- Simba - “Bye”
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episodes/episode_943.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/30 13:21 by Jake