The show starts with some very descriptive talk
Yappy has cooked for everyone
Toxxie isn't in this week as he is on overtime
Poink has started orientation on his new job this week
Tonights guest is DammitBadger
Mutt has gotten a new on-stage computer
KP shows Boots “Who is who - Chaos lounge edition” from the Christmas party
A heated argument over hot soup
Pizza talk
Food talk
Subservient DammitBadger
Dashingfoxie gets interviewed
Scorch sent in a “Funny bird”
Mutt has a picture of a “Peeps flavoured candy canes”
“Warmies”? - what?
“VR Checkers” - now with a graphical update
Mutt calls Santa(.ai) to sort out the Checkers rules
A look at the art on the walls of the Chaos Lounge
CoastHusky gets interviewed
There's currently no updates on the press-pass for MegaCon - see
Emoji screenshots
The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
A look in the art-jams
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 3
Mutt tells about a Mutt moment: blowing on hot-sauce to cool it down
The dumbest thing you have done as a kid?