Florida had a weekend of nice 21°C weather
Mutt has left his voice somewhere
Poink has yet again been unlucky with his job, but has found another one starting next week
Rasvar and KP has helped straighten things out a little
Fooma found a gift for Yappy
KP reads a sort story
If you want; make a short video for the 1000th show telling why you're a viewer
Due to a technical hiccup, there's a sign language segment
Toxxie talks about his problems finding an apartment near his work
There's a show on 4/20 (20. April for the rest of the world), Mutt has thoughts
What's the price of eggs in your area?
“Three truths and a lie - Pinocchio Day” with the Chaos Lounge
KP asks “Am I the only one who is tiered of Korean hot pot?”
Mutt has some photos from the Ren-faire
Something in the show automation is broken, and Yappy has spent most of the week getting things mostly back to normal
Fooma and KP visited “The Dough Show”, a pie shop
“Friend-Zone - Fred Bedderhead” with the Chaos Lounge
“Friend-Zone - Campyun” with the Chaos Lounge
“Friend-Zone - Vance” with the Chaos Lounge
KP is going to attend a meeting in Pittsburgh next weekend - he might not make it back in time for the show
Mutt interviews Toonyyx/Maui's last braincell(.ai)
Weirdest place you've needed to take a wee?
“Hot Lava” with the Chaos Lounge
“KP's Spotlight Question” with the Chaos Lounge
The cast reads some jokes written in the Chaos Lounge
KP improvises a “Learnin' to spell with Darnell” as one of the still broken things are video playback
This weekend Nordic Fuzz Con is on in Malmö, Sweden - Reo Grayfox and Atkelar is attending
Fooma has pictures of a furry restaurant
Please be nice in the Discord, if you misbehave and break Discord policies, we might loose the thing
What's in the art-jams?
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge - round 2
There's some updates for VRChat that might be implemented in the new Chaos Lunge
Talk about Muzak in shops