According to the twitch-chat Yappy inverts quite a few new (swear-)words describing his displeasure in the server not working
Recap of first hour on Download
The Actor Billie Hayes has died
Chat about how immersed some people can get in VRChat
Gaming chat
Horror film talk
The show is close to 1000 followers on twitch
Pedigree gets interviewed by Point
Mutt swears the he didn't touch anything, and Poink agrees, Mutt actually didn't touch a thing.
Yappy has been updating a system and the screen is now filled with information (chat, subscribers etc.)
Sugar-free food doesn't taste right
Pipeline closed down due to malware attack
Poinks car had an aux-battery go bad, it's a $100 replacement - and it's tiny
Mutt tries a pickled egg and learns that (almost) everything can be pickled
Poink reads odd and interesting facts about food
Toxxic0 & John R Hall gets interviewed about their experiences with odd food
Mutt moment - things posted in the chat are visible to the public
“Never Have I Ever” with the VR living room
Mutt did Dogecoin for two hours, and was told off by Yappy
Movie news
KP got the 2nd vaccine
Pedigree gets interviewed by Mutt
“Never Have I Ever” with the VR living room - 2nd round
“Never Have I Ever” with the VR living room - 3rd round
Could “Never Have I Ever” work as a dating game? - GeorgeWholesome gives it a try…
“Never Have I Ever”; dating edition with the VR living room - 4th round
GeorgeWholesome is visiting next week, planning is in progress
Liveleak is no more
Happy mothers day