Tonights guest is from New York and hadn't had pizza for dinner
Mutt misreads shibatoxxic as something else…
Mutt isn't quite sure where Long Island is on the map, but it's somewhere in the ocean
United States, Districts & Territories - talks about if Washington DC should be a state?
..and what about other bits that sort of is part of the US at the moment?
Yappy shows off pictures of a telephone office he once restored
Risky images of cables leads to talk about gender-confuzed connectors
“The Guessing Game feat. King Maze” with the Chaos Lounge
Food talk with KP
Car update with Yappy
Melvis Wolf gets interviewed
invalid or invalid?
People that claims to be magnetic
Subservient Melvis Wolf
“Multiple choice game” with the Chaos Lounge
“Would you Rather” with the Chaos Lounge
Crazy coupon lady
“Never Have I Ever” with the Chaos Lounge